Sunday, January 11, 2015

1/11/15 Second Post of the New Year

Hi Webbers,

How is 2015 treating you? Are you sticking to your resolutions? No? Why? Have you given up? I am here to help you if you are falling behind in your resolutions. Get in touch with me today. email or call, the time is now to take action.

My 2015 has begun with being sick and now I am pushing ahead. I purchased a yb12 consultancy. I have done this to add to my services as a coach. Want to know more get in touch with me. This year is going to push my coaching to a whole new level. If you are looking to have the best year of your life contact me today.

I was honored today, of the many things I have done in my life the good, the bad and the ugly. Today on 1/11/2015 I got to see 4 dedicated hard working men / martial artists test for their black belt in the Bujinkan. They train under Ken Savage at The Winchendon Martial Arts. Ken is my senior and a good friend. We train together under Mark Davis of The Boston Martial Arts. His men performed with great skill and earned their black belt. These are the first black belts for Ken and it was great to be part of this history.

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Another great part of today is New England Warrior Camp is coming back. It's official, this too was created by Ken Savage. I have had so many memories and was saddened to see it go. Hearing that it will be revived like a phoenix from the ashes.

I truly hope this will be an amazing year for everyone. If you are reading this and I can help in any way please do not hesitate to call on me. I am planning on having a year like no other. One of abundance in health, happiness and prosperity. My wife and daughter have already made this an incredible year. My daughter never ceases to amaze me she is an observer and makes me laugh all the time on what she can she happening and asks the purest questions. That is for another post. My wife supports every crazy thing I do and never gets upset with my off the wall ideas. I love how creative she lets me be.

Well Webbers it is time to get ready for the week ahead. Trust me it is not ahead. I picked up a week worths of work on Friday. However I disconnect on Friday afternoons and don't go back to it unless there is an emergency till Monday.

The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

It is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980