Monday, March 30, 2015

Tips For Change Monday 3/30/2015

Good Morning Webbers,

Tim Thomas here and it is 6:00 Monday morning. I have worked out eaten breakfast and ready for my day at the office. I always like to recap my weekends in the first part of my blog. My goal is to work a half day on Fridays from all the time I invest during the week and somehow it never happens. On Fridays I get to take some down time and spend a couple hours with my mom and daughter. It is such a huge developmental boost to my daughter and us to have my mom look over our daughter. I enjoy seeing how close the two of them are together. To this day my daughter still cries when her nani leaves for the day.

Saturday was my wife's birthday so Avery and I went on our excursion (I am a very last minute shopper). We went off to the mall to no avail. We managed to pick up a card, gift bag and a book. My daughter is afraid of the Easter Bunny. I don't really blame her. They look pretty serial. Anywho that through her so far off her game shopping at the mall was done. On the way home we stopped by our local gift store. There we petted a real chic. Avoided the bunny. Olaf got no warm hugs. However Cinderella got a rave review. We acquired the gift. Presented it to my wife. Had our traditional Birthday dinner and home.

Here is an article that does hit home with me and we try to support with our daughter even though she is still at such a young age.

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence - Tips for Parents of Teens

As a parent, it can be painful to watch your teen struggle with self-consciousness and low confidence. Is there anything you can do to help build your teen's self-confidence? Here are some tips.

Learning to Fail

We want our children to be safe, physically and emotionally. But sources say that this can become too much of a good thing. If you feel the need to protect your child from any difficulty - not allowing him to date, for instance, to protect him from a broken heart; or not letting her try out for a sports team because you don't think she'll be the best - then you may end up undermining your teen's self-confidence. Learning how to try and fail and try again is one of life's most important lessons.

You may think that failure will destroy your teen - after all, if you allow him or her to fail, won't that destroy his or her self-confidence? Surprisingly, failure can be an opportunity - it's a chance to self-assess and ultimately build self-confidence.

Equip Your Teen

Letting your teen flounder on his own without providing guidance can compromise his sense of confidence. He needs some practical tools so that he feels confidently equipped to tackle problems and issues in his life. Have heart-to-heart talks about dating, schoolwork, and parental expectations, and arm your teen with practical advice on what to do in these areas of life. Sometimes, teens just need help formulating a plan of action to feel confident.

Don't Always Blame Others

We all know that parent - the mom who yells at the coach when her child strikes out, or the dad who yells at the teacher when his child is reprimanded. But is that parent you? Think carefully - do you tend to take up your teen's cause no matter what and assume the world is against her? Sometimes, in your eagerness to be a friend to your teen, you may forget that sometimes your teen is in the wrong and needs your correction, or at least your admission that she is on the wrong track.

Beautiful Facts

Most teens are not aware that the images they see on television and in magazines are largely staged. Celebrities who seem perfectly beautiful aren't necessarily so - they have the advantage of being able to spend most of every day working on their appearance, and they also have the advantage of a camera lens between themselves and the rest of the world.

Introduce your teen to the deceptive nature of magazine photography and movie cameras, and point out that keeping up appearances can be so exhausting that few celebrities have normal, healthy lives and relationships.

Well Webbers I hope you enjoyed this blog entry on Tips For Change. I am working the bugs out and will have a whole new platform ready by months end. The first quarter is finished for 2015 are you achieving your goals. What is holding you back? You have this one life are living it on your terms. If not I am here to help you.

Isn't it about time you live your life your way. After all it is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company

PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sundays Tip For Change 3/15/15

Hi Webbers,

Sunday is here and I have to say I was an absolute lazy bum this weekend. I spent time with my family and my daughter. I figured we can get back at it on Monday. I am at this stage in life finding that giving back and gratitude are really what life is about. I have always tried to help. However I always felt like I was going against the grain. I was always against my nature. The nature of my true self. It was like a heavy coat I would put on to show the world forget the mask. I am working at striping away the layers. I am getting there and I am on the path.

The big achievement this week is passing my coaching course on working with woman through RMT. YAY me!

This weeks Tip For Change:

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness

Feeling shy or awkward in certain situations is understandable. Don't we all have a little nervousness before we go talk to that guy or girl, or get sweaty palms before giving a speech? For some, though, shyness and social awkwardness may not be circumstantial, but constant. This can be very frustrating and hard to overcome, but there are some things you can do to help overcome your shyness and approach people in social situations. Here are some tips.


There's something about laughter that makes everyone feel more comfortable. This is why "ice breaker" activities at parties are often designed to get the participants laughing. So don't be afraid to laugh at someone's jokes, or learn a few funny lines yourself (not canned "pick-up" lines, but clever observations or comments).

Force Yourself to Stay

Sometimes, shy people feel so uncomfortable in a social situation that they just want it to end; they just want to get away. Consciously resist this impulse. Tell yourself to stand your ground, stay put, and interact. Remember, the other person is not going to breathe fire; he or she just wants to have a conversation and get to know you.

Learn to be Comfortable with Silence

Social situations can feel especially awkward if you are uncomfortable with mutual silence. This may trigger shy people to "babble" to fill the silence, which then makes them feel even more awkward because they feel like what they're saying is silly or nonsensical. So be cool - some silence between people is okay. In fact, it helps give the other person a chance to think before he or she speaks. The person you're speaking with will appreciate this!


Just like physical stretching, socially and psychologically stretching can be somewhat uncomfortable, even painful. But also like physical stretching, it's necessary. If your first instinct is to say "No" when someone asks you to do something, stop and think first. Tell the person you will get back to him or her if you aren't sure. This will give you some time to pluck up your courage and say "Yes."


When to Seek a Professional

There is a point when simple shyness and social awkwardness may be an actual disorder. Social anxiety disorder and social phobia are real disorders that may need the help of a professional. The difference between shyness and these disorders is how much it affects your life.

For example, if you are so shy and embarrassed by just the thought of having to introduce yourself to others or attend a party that you go to great lengths to avoid the situation, it might be a social disorder. When it's social anxiety or phobia, you have trouble living a normal and productive life due to your social fears.


Webbers I hope you enjoyed reading this and it has brought some ideas or changes you can incorporate into your life. Please pass it on if you know someone that this could benefit.

Isn't it about time you live your life your way. After all it is your life, live it by your design.


Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hypnosis Antiquated or Hip?

Hi Webbers,
Coach Tim Thomas

I hope your week is well. I am having a great week. I have some knee pain going on which is delightful. Since last we spoke I have been sleep deprived due to my young daughter having a nasty cold. I have been working on understanding handwriting in my class and how the sub conscious impacts it.

The great news is I passed my course with RMT on working with women. YAY me!

This weeks article I wanted to speak about hypnosis and how it can help.

What Is Hypnosis?

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem?

As an alternative approach, hypnosis is gaining credibility as an effective way to manage low self-esteem and low confidence.

A Real Problem

It's tempting to disregard the whole subject and notion of self-esteem and confidence. Seeking treatment for something so "trivial" may seem silly. But in actuality, low self-esteem and lack of confidence can greatly inhibit your life. For example:

Coach Tim Thomas
* Lack of confidence puts self-doubt and fear in charge, and those can paralyze you in your efforts toward success.

* People with low self-esteem may end up in destructive relationships, thinking they are not worth anyone who treats them well.

* Without confidence, business ventures may not even be tried and financial success remains elusive.

* Low confidence can greatly inhibit the development of your talents and abilities.

* For some people, lack of self-confidence and self-esteem go so far as to produce feelings of depression and even suicide.

As you can see, low self-esteem and lack of confidence are not just modern psycho-babble. People who struggle with these issues often need help. So can hypnosis do the trick?

Many of us have antiquated images of hypnosis that involve swinging watches and hypnotized people doing humiliating things, such as believing they're a chicken. But hypnosis - or hypnotherapy - is different.

Modern hypnotherapy is more about empowerment than deception. When you undergo
hypnotherapy, you learn to enter into a state of deep relaxation (which is a helpful skill in and of itself!). The hypnosis practitioner or therapist then taps into your inner mind and uses the power of suggestion to help rewire negative brain patterns to create healthier ones.
Coach Tim Thomas
Hypnotherapists may use guided imagery, taking you through an imaginary scenario step by step, giving you suggestions and approaches to face the problems presented. Hypnotherapy may help in the following areas:

* Assertiveness, a trait often lacking in those with low confidence, may be enhanced by the suggestive power of hypnosis.

* A positive attitude to help you cope with everyday life

* Facing and overcoming any underlying causes or emotions that may contribute to your low self-esteem

* Developing visions and goals for your life

* Confidence in your abilities may be enhanced by hypnotherapy

* Learning positive self-talk

What may make hypnosis so successful is that it can reach those areas of the mind that you simply can't seem to access. It is a technique that bypasses the "walls" you may have put up to keep people from tapping into the real you, and addresses your core self.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and find it of use. As always please feel free to pass it on to someone who could benefit from it.

I use hypnosis in my practice all the time with my clients and it is always amazing to hear about the results.

To learn more feel free to contact me at any of the places below.

Isn't it about time you live your life your way. Remember it is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Hi Webbers,

I hope all is well for you and yours today. Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. Today I wanted to post some information on diet, exercise and confidence. I struggled for the past few years getting my health back in order. I am not there yet but I am that much closer and have learned a lot since that time. My hope is to be able to pass some worthwhile information so others have an easier time than I did.

Today, Is a catch up day where I will be working on a understanding handwriting class which has been very informative. I never knew how much our subconscious could influence our writing. I am also learning my YB12 introductory talk I need to get it done and polished this week.

Enjoy the article below and let me know you thoughts.

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected 

Do you struggle with not feeling confident? While therapy and coaching can help, it may also be of benefit to address your diet and exercise schedules.

The Connection

When you eat well and exercise, it may help boost your self-confidence. Why? Here are some thoughts.

* Body image - While exercising won't necessarily result in the perfect body, it does tend to give you a sense that you are being proactive about your health; you're doing the right thing and working toward getting fit. Recognizing this - even if you can't get rid of those love handles - can help you feel more confident in yourself.

MOOD FOOD* Mood food - The food you eat can affect your mood, sources say, which in turn affects your confidence. Low blood sugar can cause you to feel grouchy and easily annoyed, and a diet high in sugar may contribute to depression (the ultimate in low confidence!). Lean protein combined with complex carbohydrates is a winning combination.

* Endorphins - Exercise stimulates your body to produce endorphins, which are brain chemicals that help you feel good. These substances play a role in relieving depression and improving mood.

* Energy level - If you're struggling with self-confidence, feeling sluggish doesn't help. Exercise and a healthy diet are key elements to feeling energetic and, ultimately, confident.

* Vitamins and minerals - Your confidence is affected by how you look and feel, and getting the right
vitamins and minerals is important for things like teeth, skin, and hair. When these aspects of your appearance are healthy and at their optimum, it helps you feel better about yourself.

Specifically, some vitamins and minerals are directly implicated in improving mood and, consequently, confidence. These include B-complex vitamins and Vitamin D. In fact, fat-soluble Vitamin D is sometimes used by medical professionals to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). When you are getting the right amount of key vitamins and minerals, you are much more likely to feel confident in yourself.

* Productivity - When your energy and confidence levels are up due to exercise and diet, you are much more likely to be more productive in work, school, and relationships. And this becomes a positive cycle - increased productivity boosts your confidence even more.

COACH TIM THOMAS* Positive effects - If you begin to exercise and eat healthfully, you may find yourself looking better - you may experience weight loss, better muscle tone, and healthier skin. Looking in the mirror and liking what you see can go a long way toward boosting confidence!

I believe in helping people change. I enjoy hearing from my readers and look forward to working with many of you in the future. If you are in need of my coaching services please contact me. My information is below. If you know someone who may benefit from this blog or my services, please pass it on. Until my next entry. Take care.

Isn't it about time you live your life your way. After all it is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company 

PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980