Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year

Shop for popular personal achievement resources that give you a competitive advantage in business and in life!

Hi Webbers I know I am a bit early. All being the same Happy New Year!

What are you doing today to be ready for the new year? My wife and I were having the conversation just the other day. I have expanded my business for 2015 and am working on finalizing my working with women course with RMT (Robbins Madaness Training). I have a couple of memberships that need to be renewed and I am constantly working on reducing my gut. I do have a few courses to get under way as well. I find myself constantly striving to do better. I am just not happy with where my station is in life yet. I am still hungry from what I can see. We are never too old to learn new things and push ahead in life no matter what the obstacle.

As a coach we are constantly striving to move forward. Okay is not acceptable we want exceptional from everything we do. We strive for our committed clients as hard as we do for ourselves. Below is some information that I can help someone work on with a client and help them reach another level in relationships.

Here is some information that may be of some value.

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships - Top Tips

For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life - your business, talents, and so forth - but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences - once bitten, twice shy, so to speak. For others, it just seems to be how they're wired; they just can't be the social butterfly they wish they could be.

If any of this describes you, read on for some tips and suggestions that may help.

Recognize You're Not Alone

Pretending like you don't have trouble with confidence is not going to help. You'd be surprised at how many people who seem naturally born confident actually took time and effort to learn the art of self-confidence in their relationships. If there weren't a growing number of people in need of self-confidence, there wouldn't be a growing field of confidence coaches and life coaches to help!

Consider Coaching

You might consider becoming a client of a confidence or life coach. These coaches specialize in helping people realize their potential, both professionally and personally. There's no shame in seeking advice, whether from a friend or a professional.

Your Contribution

If you feel insecure when you think of your interpersonal relationships (or when you think of starting one), it might help to remember that you have something of value to contribute to that relationship. Lack of confidence may stem from a sense that relationships are only about you pleasing the other person, or getting him or her to like you. However, it's important to realize that you have something to contribute to the relationship which will benefit the other person - you!

Flaws Happen

Remember that both you and the person with whom you are in a relationship have flaws. Everyone does. People who lack confidence in relationships tend to walk on eggshells, afraid they will say or do something to cause the other person to turn against them. But truthfully, someone who really likes or loves you is not going to ditch you just because you said one off-color thing or made one mistake. And if they do, you didn't need them to begin with!

Silence the Negative Inner Voice

First, you have to recognize it - listen for a few days to your inner voice. What's it saying? Do you hear, "You're not good enough," "No one would ever put up with you," or "I just can't go over and talk to him/her?" Once you begin to hear these thoughts, it's time to take action and change them. Often, such negative self-talk is a habit and you don't even realize you're doing it. You have to forge new habits of positive self-talk instead. Remember that you have something to contribute to a relationship and the right person will be glad to have you as an addition to his or her life!


Take care my friends.


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

It is your life, live it by your design.


Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday 12/8/14

Hi Webbers,

I hope life is going well. This week has started off great. I am on vacation. Some things I am working on. My  RMT - Working with women certificate the last of my RMT Strategic intervention courses. I has been a long two years and one that I will never regret. I have complete Core 100, 200 and Total Breakthrough. I have been busy and some of the material has challenged me. I enjoy being part of the RMT community.

I am also working on my business and reworking a new logo. I usually do them myself. This time however I shipped them off to a firm to have them done. I got to have six designers work on a concept. That in of itself was a cool process to be part of. I will post it when the project is complete.

The final project I have is I purchased a YB12 Consultancy. I am an independent agent and can sell their program anywhere in the world. Looks cool I am still in the training phase and should be up and running soon. Look forward to more information on that in the coming weeks. You can find out more Click Here.

Among everything else I still get to have a great time with my daughter our weekend movie adventure was HOW TO DRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2. We love to watch movies and enjoy most of our picks. It is amazing the questions she will ask and it brings me great pleasure to see how happy she is to spend time with me. Today made me feel horrible. We were leaving to take her to her Grandmothers house. She said are you going to work I said no I was staying home. She said " Can i stay with you, I won't be a bother." I was so crushed I had to tell her she would not be a bother.  Man I want to spend more time with her she definitely can teach me a few lessons on life.

Today I am enjoying myself. I cleaned up the failed ice rink. Next year it is a have too. We were to late for it this year when I got started. Then I worked on the dollhouse. Now I am working on myself and the business.

My tip for the day #1:

What change in your thinking has to take place?

I am here to help you live your life by your design. Aren't you worth it? Contact me today to earn the success you deserve.



The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, October 27, 2014

How was your weekend?

 Hi Webbers,

Whats happening for the week. The weekend is closing out and I am gearing up for another exciting week. I hope your weekend went well.

Last week was a bit stressful and I am hoping it lets up this week. I had fifty hours in before Friday
Princess Project
morning. I have been working on the princess project trying to complete it before the 6th. I have studies to complete and am falling behind because the office has me so busy. I did get to brew some beer with a few clients that was interesting.

Over the weekend I had to find some wood that was needed to keep the progress on the princess project going. The wife and I also had to attend a fund raiser for an associate of mine that is having health problems. We stayed for a bit then shoved off to get my girl and headed home.

Now as I sit here and type with my coffee in my hand. It is Monday morning. I have exercised. How do you get fit or stay fit? It is always a good thing to check with your health care provider before you start any new or strenuous activity. Our physical body is one of the easiest strengths to achieve. Is your mind or spirit just as strong? Are you balanced? Are you in harmony with your life?

This is where coaching comes in and can be of great value. I am here 2 help u. If you have parts of your life that are out of balance or not in harmony. Call on me I can help. Lets start talking today.

Otherwise I am off to practice my Qigong and finish my morning exercises.

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Remember Webbers it is your life live it by your design!


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Self Esteem

Morning Webbers,

Just wanted to drop a quick not for something to think about today.

There are many ways to change or increase your self esteem today's tip.

Change your language and you will change how you feel about you!

Try this -

Replace the word "try" with "I will"
Replace "I can't" with "I Can"
Replace "I should" with "I can"

Let me know how that works for you. Until next time remember.

It is your life, Live it by design.


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, October 20, 2014

Things and stuff

Hey webbers,

I hope all is well. What a fantastic week I had. You ever wonder how some weeks can be so stressful and others go along nice and smooth. Friday we had to take our daughter for an emergency doctor appointment. Scary to hear a child scream and cry when that isn't her normal. I also knew she was in pain. Thankfully Tylenol worked. Any who how do you plan your week. Is it the morning before. Is it the day before.

I tend to plan the day before for the week in example. I plan on Sunday for Monday through Friday. I go over my notes and to do's it makes me feel so much more ready For the day. Then each day I spend ten minutes organizing.

I would be interested in how you plan your schedule?

I am amazed at how much people value things and stuff. Some people value things and stuff over other humans and some treat other humans as things and stuff....

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What kind of changes can you make today. It takes one small change to create a whole new way.

Here are some questions that can create change in your life. How would you answer them? I would love to hear from you and your answers.

Are you getting the most value from your life?

Do you have a life plan?

Do you have a weekly plan?

What kind of plan do you need to create?

What  help or resources do you need?

What is your next step?

What structures would help you remember your to-do actions?

That is it for today webbers. Have fun and live your light.

Remember it is your life live it by design.

Unleash The Power Within - #1 Self Development Software (view mobile) Click Here!


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Looking Ahead

Hi Webbers,

I hope all is well. I had a great week off. Not really off but getting things done. My birthday week and trucks need to be registered inspected and the Princess Project. What is that.

The Princess Project is the making of a doll house for my daughter it has been ongoing for two years with a major neglect to the project. With the b-day coming soon I have to get it done. At this point
one floor to go.

The reason I bring this up is as I worked on the house on Friday I suffered from a tremor that I haven't had in a long time. I have cerebral palsy and suffer from tremors in my arms. I needed to complete the lighting piece I was working on and it took every bit of resolve breath and patience to get through it. Over the years I prided myself on concealing my disability as best I could. Friday's struggle made me remember how much I loved to make models. How I suffered my arms would shake so bad my father would have to hold my hands or do the detail work himself. I hated that and I would focus to get it done myself. Not that I didn't want my dad's help, I just wanted to do it on my own. I would get picked on in school at how bad my writing was. How uncoordinated my hands could be over time I got really good at controlling my hands so they don't look like leaves shaking off a tree. However on some days there is just nothing I can do I am either too taxed or not fresh enough to complete the task well. However I always give it 100 percent. I remember how learning anything new was a anxiety riddled moment for me when I was younger. I wouldn't know if a tremor would hit or not. I now now exactly when I will have an uncontrollable tremor or not. On Friday I knew I felt off and felt the anxiety start then the hands started rattling like a bag of bones. Man I can tell you a thing or two about perseverance. I also never take being told that something can't be done.

One of my most inspirational poems sits above my desk:

It Couldn't Be Done
by Edgar A Guest

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
      But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
      Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
      On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it!

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
      At least no one ever has done it;”
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
      And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
      Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
      There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
      The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
      Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
      That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.
It is Sunday night Webbers I wanted to drop a line and say hello.


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Monday!

Morning Webbers!

I hope you slept well. I did. I got to treat myself yesterday to a fantastic movie yesterday. "The Equalizer" Starring Denzel Washington. I was impressed with the story line being from Boston and all. Lot's of familiar places in that movie. I don't want to give away to much of the plot. I will say go see it. I think he does a great job of inspiring people in the movie.

I have a mission this week to complete a doll house for my daughter.

With that being said here are some handy tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident

Parents usually want their children to be self-confident - after all, self-confidence is a key component of success in life. But how do you teach this important life skill? Here are some tips.

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Experts note that babies and later children who have their needs met consistently - needs for food, comfort, a listening ear, etc. - are learning the message that they are worth paying attention to; they learn they have worth. Some professionals believe this is best accomplished through the practice of attachment parenting. Others simply note that prompt and consistent meeting of needs will send a positive message to children.

Play with Your Child

Play is how your child learns about and interacts with his or her world. When you participate, you validate this playful approach. You are sharing your child's world and helping him or her to see that Mom and/or Dad like the same things they do.

Parents can get pushy about teaching their children the value of hard work or the completion of tasks. While these things are certainly important, the time in a person's life when they are young, playful children is quite short. So embrace this time and play with your child, and work in on the task-oriented training in addition to play time. Honestly, it can be therapeutic for parents to play with their kids!

Put on a Happy Face

Okay, not everyone is happy all the time, and parents get stressed. This is understandable, and there's no need to invent a perpetually-cheerful persona; it's not realistic. But if your children receive the constant message that they are the source of your stress, they may begin to take on that identity. They will see themselves as an annoyance, and this may undermine their self-confidence.
300x250 Time Management
Watch What You Say

In a similar vein to the paragraph above, be careful about complaining about your children in their hearing. Yes, parenting is hard, and children can try your patience. But if you need to vent to your friends about the things your child does that drive you crazy, do it at a time when your child is not present or after he or she has fallen asleep.

Don't Withhold Yourself

If your child fails at something - and he or she will at some point - it's important not to withdraw or withhold love and attention. This sends the message that your child's achievements are more important that the child him/herself. Instead, make sure your child knows you love him or her no matter what failures happen.

Of course, this does not mean you as a parent need to accept constant failure or not encourage your child to do better. The important thing is for your child not to think your love is conditional. Privileges can be conditional; parental love shouldn't be.

Okay Webbers enjoy the day. I am here if you need me.

Until next time live your life by design. I am Tim Thomas and here 2-help-u reach you success.

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The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Hi Webbers,

Steps to Confidence

Building confidence is a necessary exercise for many of us. If self-confidence does not come naturally, building it up takes deliberate, conscious effort. While no step-by-step program is perfect, following are some steps that may help you build up your sense of confidence.


Write them down. Make a list of your goals, long and short term, and then below each goal write the steps it will take to get there. For example, if one of your goals is to launch a website to earn money, your list might look like this:

Launch Website
a. Reserve domain
b. Set up hosting
c. Contact web designer and discuss layout
d. Write a short ebook as a promotional giveaway
e. Write content and newsletters for site to cover several months after launch

Whether it's relationships, business ventures, or self-improvement, writing your goals and their necessary steps can make those goals much less formidable and much more doable. That alone helps you feel more confident in moving forward.

Stop Comparing

While it's good to have aspirations toward self-improvement, constantly comparing yourself to the best of the best in your realm can get discouraging. For example, if you'd like to have a talk radio show or Podcast, you might be inspired by high-profile radio hosts; being inspired by them is fine, but beating yourself up because you are not exactly like they are - complete with millions of listeners - will only discourage you.

Build a Positive Self-Image

It seems that when you are just certain you are going to fail before you try something, you are more likely to fail when you do try it. If you have a negative self-image and think you just can't achieve anything, it's likely that you won't - thus underscoring this false impression about yourself. Stop listening to the negative inner voice and instead tell yourself that you can achieve your goals and, even if you fail, it's not because you are a bad person or because you didn't try.

Get to Know Yourself

This means spending some quiet time thinking or writing in a journal - some quiet time by yourself in which you assess your strengths, weaknesses, and personality. What are your character traits? What quirks and talents do you have? Pretend like you are being interviewed and that the interviewer is trying to get to know you. What questions would they ask?

Turn off the Media

For a while, it might be good to turn off the TV and put down the magazines. The perfect-people images found in the media can be discouraging for those who are struggling with self-confidence.

Jim Rohn Starter Sampler Pack - Only $19.95!


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Good morning Webbers,

You might be wondering why the different blog address. I have moved away from Aion as it is going to be a product and I am going to do business as Tim Thomas. I am finishing up my current courses and I feel ready to share the information I have learned. I am working on the site to be a resource site for any and all who want to pursue personal development. It will still be a few months till it is complete. I am adding more and more products and resources to it.

I currently have openings for clients. If you know anyone that is having a problem or challenge have them get in touch with me. My first session is always free. It lets me see if we are a good fit. I am available to meet one on one, by phone or over the internet (email, skype, and others). I also work with small business in the challenges they have and customer service.

Click Here to Visit!

Today's exercise that I would like to share:


Get the form here in PDF

We are very busy in our life and sometimes if we use a chart we can see where we are off in our life and can right the ship or the wheel. Have you ever tried to drive on a flat tire. What about a square. We use the wheel of life chart to gauge where we are in the areas that are important to us. As much as we try to separate things such as work and our personal life we find these two subjects intertwine with each other. They also play off each other and have influence.

We are going to break your life down into 8 parts. Feel free to change the names if you have something you would rather call it.

Life Parts:

Family / Relationships
Career / Work
Health / Fitness
Personal Growth
Money / Finances
Physical Environment
Fun / Joy

Now indicate using the scale 1-10 where you feel you are in life / work. One being low and 10 being the highest. (Notes are on the sheet to.)

What shape is your wheel? Would this wheel give you a smooth ride in life or a rough one?

Webbers Let me know if you need help with this or want to explore more of what coaching can do for you.

Have a great day Webbers

I am your coach Tim Thomas and I am here 2-help-u.


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980