Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday 2/23/15 Tired and Awake

Morning Webbers,

My daughter is sick and was up late last night. In turn today Monday is going to be a challenge for me. In addition I am sure I am going to be battling the cold myself. Perfect absolutely perfect!

As a coach I like to give as much quality free information as I can. Especially when it comes to building confidence. Young adults is where I really focus in on for this. I believe with the right people guiding them and the right information they can change the world if not for everybody at least for themselves.

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens

Whether you're a male or female teen, your self-confidence is important. While the emphasis is often on girls' self-esteem, boys need to be confident, too, and often struggle just as much (although perhaps in different areas). Here are some tips to help teens build their self-confidence.

Recognize Your Talents

It's easy to blow off your abilities, especially if your peers make fun of them (and they probably do so
out of jealousy). But get serious with yourself and make a list of things you love to do and are good at. Keep this list just for yourself and look at it often. Remember it when you flunk a test or say something you wish you hadn't. Those talents of yours won't go away, and you can rely on them for the rest of your long as you cultivate them.

Cultivate Your Abilities

You may have so many interests and abilities that it's impossible to develop them all; or, you may have one thing you really love to do. Regardless, look into developing and using some of your abilities in applications beyond school. Not only will it open more opportunities to look for activities around your community, but it might also remove you from peer judgment.

Be Like a Duck

Have you ever heard the expression that you should be like a duck and let negative words and attitudes roll off your back? It's a good thing to cultivate - if you take every criticism or off-hand comment to heart, you might find yourself paralyzed with fear of other's judgment. Remember, school and teenage-hood are not forever. You will get out of this stage and you shouldn't let the criticisms of others sabotage your future, which lasts a lot longer than middle and high school!

Resist the Urge to Compare

When you look at your friends, classmates, or pictures of celebrities, try to resist the temptation to scrutinize them as the gold standard to which you should aspire. Someone will always have better legs, superior athletic prowess, nicer hair, etc. than you. But those people don't set the standard for you; you are who you are, and they can't measure up to that, either!

Listen to the Inner Voice - Then Tell It to Shut Up

Stop and listen to your inner thoughts for a while. What do you automatically think of yourself in response to certain situations? What do you say to yourself when you wake up, interact with friends, or go to class? If you are tearing yourself down with negative thoughts, you need to stop. Address the negative self-talk and replace it with positive self-talk instead.

I hope you enjoyed this entry and if you gained something please leave a comment.

Thank you for reading and remember

It is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, February 16, 2015


"Both success and failure are largely the results of habit." - Napoleon Hill

Morning Webbers,

It is another Monday. I am up at 4:30. It is now 5:43 AM I just completed my morning workout. I just finished offering my gratitude to the world. What are you grateful for? This is a great way to start off the day it gets me out of myself and into giving to others. I have to say I was tired When I woke at 4:30 Monday's are always tough for me to get moving. It has to be done. My shoulder is unbelievably sore from removing snow and breaking ice on the roof.

Amazing winter we are having here in New England. I believe we are about 112 inches of snow or a little over 9 ft. This is the most snow I have seen since I was a young child.

I thought for today I would share a story with everyone. The first time I heard this story I was going through a dark time in my life and my mom shared a book with me. This is one you may have heard. If it is read it and ask how does it apply to your life now? What is different about it now?


During the years when diamonds were first being discovered in Africa, a farmer was intrigued by the promise of great wealth. Only one thing stood in his way. His farm had to be sold before he could set off in search of the diamonds that would make him a wealthy man. At last the deal was done and he was free. Free to pursue his dream.
The search was long and painful. Trekking mile after weary mile across desserts and plains, through jungles and mountain passes, the farmer searched for the elusive diamonds. But none could be found.
Finally, penniless, sick, and utterly depressed, he took his own life by throwing himself into a raging river.
Back home, the man who had bought the farm carefully tilled the land. One day as he was planting a crop, he came across a strange-looking stone. Carrying it to the farmhouse, he placed it on the mantel.
A visitor to the farmer’s home saw the unusual stone over the fireplace, examined it, then turned to the new owner of the farm and said, “You have found one of the largest diamonds ever known to man.” Further investigation revealed that the entire farm was literally covered with similar magnificent stones. The farm sold by the first farmer turned out to be one of the richest, most productive diamond mines in the world.

One hundred years ago, Dr. Russell Herman Conwell traveled the United States telling and retelling this story. One hundred years later, we still need to hear it. You see, just like that farmer, too few of us take the time to investigate and polish what we already have. In our disappointment with the way things are, in our quest to get ahead, we fail to recognize the wealth in our own backyard. And we end up walking over untold riches every day.
"The real act of discovery lies, not in finding new lands, but in seeing with a new set of eyes." - Marcel Proust
Webbers have a great Monday and I hope to hear from you soon.  I hope this helps you with your day. Remember it is your life. Live it by your design!

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday 2/12/15

COACH TIM THOMASMorning Webbers,

Time for more snow! Nice hope you are up and moving about. I am frustrated at the moment. It seems my it has updated my inbox and now I cannot search for my emails :( hope they fix it soon.)

In the meantime here are some tip on building your confidence.

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships - Top Tips

For some people, self-confidence with regard to personal relationships is challenging. You may find that you have confidence in many other areas of your life - your business, talents, and so forth - but lack the confidence to have successful personal relationships. For some, this is due to past experiences - once bitten, twice shy, so to speak. For others, it just seems to be how they're wired; they just can't be the social butterfly they wish they could be.

If any of this describes you, read on for some tips and suggestions that may help.

Recognize You're Not Alone

Pretending like you don't have trouble with confidence is not going to help. You'd be surprised at
how many people who seem naturally born confident actually took time and effort to learn the art of self-confidence in their relationships. If there weren't a growing number of people in need of self-confidence, there wouldn't be a growing field of confidence coaches and life coaches to help!

Consider Coaching

You might consider becoming a client of a confidence or life coach. These coaches specialize in helping people realize their potential, both professionally and personally. There's no shame in seeking advice, whether from a friend or a professional.

Your Contribution

If you feel insecure when you think of your interpersonal relationships (or when you think of starting one), it might help to remember that you have something of value to contribute to that relationship. Lack of confidence may stem from a sense that relationships are only about you pleasing the other person, or getting him or her to like you. However, it's important to realize that you have something to contribute to the relationship which will benefit the other person - you!

Flaws Happen

Remember that both you and the person with whom you are in a relationship have flaws. Everyone does. People who lack confidence in relationships tend to walk on eggshells, afraid they will say or do something to cause the other person to turn against them. But truthfully, someone who really likes or loves you is not going to ditch you just because you said one off-color thing or made one mistake. And if they do, you didn't need them to begin with!

Silence the Negative Inner Voice

First, you have to recognize it - listen for a few days to your inner voice. What's it saying? Do you hear, "You're not good enough," "No one would ever put up with you," or "I just can't go over and talk to him/her?" Once you begin to hear these thoughts, it's time to take action and change them. Often, such negative self-talk is a habit and you don't even realize you're doing it. You have to forge new habits of positive self-talk instead. Remember that you have something to contribute to a relationship and the right person will be glad to have you as an addition to his or her life!

Have a great day Webbers!


It is your life, live it by your design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday 2/10/15 Time to Go!

Morning Webbers,

I hope your Tuesday is off to a fantastic start. I wanted to talk about mindsets today and how we could be setting our self up for failure. I love strong people and we all have gone through a time in our life where we have been at our weakest. These low points do not have to last. I have been there too. I understand.

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them

If you suffer from low self-confidence, you might be stuck in some negative mindsets that are affecting the way you think about yourself and, ultimately, your self-esteem. Negative mindsets tend to have a lot of "always" or "never" talk, creating a sense of entrapment and hopelessness. Here are some examples of negative mindsets that can lead to low confidence.

"I will never get it right."

Thinking this way can keep you from trying again, or even trying something for the first time. It makes it only too easy to give up.

"Nobody understands what this is like."

When you lack self-confidence, a lot of times you assume that everyone else has it together and you're the odd man or woman out. You may feel isolated, and feel as if others have their lives together while you are still floundering.

"I am totally useless."

When you lack confidence, you may feel like you don't have anything of value to contribute, whether it's to your workplace, relationships, or something else.

"I am a complete failure."

No one fails at every single thing; but to a person with low self-confidence, it can sure seem that way. You may feel like everything you've ever tried has failed, even if this is not true.

"I could never do that."

Do you see someone with a successful lifestyle you wish you had? If you lack self-confidence, you may have the above reaction. Instead of being inspired and wanting to create that lifestyle for yourself, you look at that person and get depressed, thinking you could never have what they have.

How Can These Mindsets Be Overcome?

In order to overcome these destructive mindsets that lead to low confidence, it's necessary to reprogram your thought processes. You will need to pay attention to your negative self-talk and
immediately change it to something positive.

For example, instead of "I will never get it right," you could stop that thought in its tracks and think instead, "I have trouble with this, but if I keep trying and seek out the right help, I know I can succeed." Rather than, "I could never do that," think, "I would love to do that! There's no reason why I can't have that lifestyle if I work at it."

You may need therapy and/or counseling to overcome these mindsets. But like everything else in life, you can do it if you set realistic goals and have confidence in yourself!

You can also contact myself at:

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980