Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tips for Change "Performance - Turbo-Charge Your Life With Powerful Self-Talk"

Hey Webbers,

I hope you are having an amazing week! What a topic to get into this week. Self-talk amazing what can happen. I have a personal challenge to anyone who reads this post. Try positive self talk for 90 days and see if it makes a difference really dedicate yourself to the change. I am sure you will have come real gains in your life. If not I will coach you just reach out to me by email you will find my contact information below.

Now to get into this weeks topic which is just in time for New Years. Hint, hint.

Performance - Turbo-Charge Your Life With Powerful Self-Talk

Self-talk is the inner chatter that accompanies us in most of our waking moments. Your self-talk can be a powerful aid to your performance, or it can be destructive.

What do you say when you talk to yourself? If you're like many of us, your self-talk is a caustic mixture of judgments, complaints, and verbal abuse, in the form of "tapes" - mental recordings - that
you've imprinted on your mind and play over and over again. No wonder you feel down and depressed.

However, you can change the tapes you play, and your self-talk, as soon as you become aware of what you're saying to yourself. Changing your self-talk will turbo-charge your life and enhance your performance in everything you do.

You can change your self-talk right now

Let's try a little test. Say to yourself, silently or aloud: "That was a stupid thing to say. How could I say _________ (pick any verbal blunder you can remember). I'm so stupid."

How do you feel? Perhaps you feel sad, or anxious. Take a moment to track your emotions in your body. Perhaps you have a sinking feeling in your tummy, or your face is becoming hot. Your self-talk immediately affected your body, your mental state and your emotions.

Now let's try some positive self-talk. Take a couple of deep breaths, smile, and say to yourself, aloud or silently: "I'm happy, strong and confident."

How do you feel now? Feel your emotions in your body. Repeat the words "I'm happy, strong and confident" several times – keep smiling as you do so. You felt an emotional lift, didn't you? You can give yourself an emotional boost at any time, just by changing your self-talk. If you make it a habit to repeat motivating self-talk to yourself, not only will you feel better, but you'll perform better in everything you do.

Self-talk is powerful, and it's free. It's the best thing you can do for yourself.

Erase old self-talk tapes: make new tapes

Affirmations are a form of self-talk, and you can create your own affirmations to use as self-talk. However, the best way to change your old self-talk tapes, is to make a new tape every time you catch yourself replaying an old tape.

For example, if you hear yourself saying: "I'll never get this project done. No one's helping me with it, I'm always left to do the hard work and others get the credit…"

Change your self-talk immediately. Write down your new self-talk tape which will over time erase the old self-talk tape: "This project's interesting. I'm going to have fun working with it. I'll ask ___ and ___ for their input right away. I'm taking charge of this project, it will be done in no time, and I'll claim the credit because I deserve it."

Now repeat your new self-talk to yourself as often as you need to, particularly as soon as you can hear any faint whispers of the old self talk. Boost the new tape with affirmations, like: "I'm confident, capable and strong. I CAN do this!"

Start today: use powerful self-talk to enhance your performance in everything you do.

Want to talk? Need a change in your life click the link to schedule a time. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you get a great value out of it.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.
tim thomas life coach

Tim Thomas
Life / Success Coach
A Life by Design Company
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tips for Change "Methods Of Self-Esteem Improvement"

Hi Webbers,

tim thomas life coachMonday is here and I am excited. I went to see Star Wars awakens this weekend and no spoilers here. However I will say my daughter fell asleep 30 minutes in to the Movie. We left there and we are HUGE Disney freaks so infinity here we go with the Awakens play set. I love hanging out with my child she definitely has character. Self -Esteem Improvement - I hope you enjoy it!

Methods Of Self-Esteem Improvement

Many of us suffer from low self esteem and lack self confidence, you'll be happy to know that there are many methods for self esteem improvement.

The first question you should ask yourself when attempting to improve your self esteem is whether there are issues that need to be addressed with a professional counselor. This is particularly true if your low self esteem is driving you to abuse alcohol or other drugs and is interfering in your life in a major way. If so, you may need to speak with a therapist or counselor who specializes in self esteem issues.

If you want to raise your self esteem but are not having major self esteem problems, then a trip to the local library or book store may help. There are hundreds of self help books, self help groups, self help tapes, self help videos to choose from as self help is a particularly hot topic these days. You may even want to hire a personal coach. These tools will help you improve your self esteem dramatically if you put the advice and recommendations that you receive into action.

tim thomas life coach
One of the real keys to improving self esteem is in taking action. Many people who suffer from low self esteem often get stuck in a rut which drives their self esteem even lower. To raise self esteem, you need to set goals for yourself and then take the necessary actions to meet these goals. Just taking continual action will move you closer towards goal attainment and stop you feeling as if you are worthless and at the mercy of others.

Pay close attention to how you talk. Negative self talk is a real self esteem killer. Make a habit of trading the words “I can’t” to “I will” Having positive expectations will go along way towards increasing you self esteem.

And don't feel as if you're alone. There are thousands of people just like you that of people who suffer from low self esteem and need to improve how they look at themselves and the world around them. You are not alone and you can create the life that you dream of, you just need to start taking steps in the right direction. The sooner you start the sooner you can start enjoying your life as it was meant to be enjoyed.

Want to talk? Need a change in your life click the link to schedule a time. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you get a great value out of it.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.
tim thomas life coach

Tim Thomas
Life / Success Coach
A Life by Design Company
Tel: 603-682-4980

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tips for Change "Galen Litchfield Technique to Eliminate Worry"

Morning Webbers,

Do you have a problem that is worrying you as I sit here today. Prepared for what my world has in store for me. I am sure today is going to be a crazy day.

Perhaps you may want to try Galen Litchfield's technique.

It is comprised of the four following questions & statements:
  1. What am I worrying about?
  2. What can I do about it?
  3. Here is what I am going to do about it.
  4. When am I going to start doing it.

Want to learn more about how to stop worrying and start living - Pick up the book. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

I hope this tip has helped you on this Tuesday!

Want to talk? Need a change in your life click the link to schedule a time. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you get a great value out of it.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.
tim thomas life coach

Tim Thomas
Life / Success Coach
A Life by Design Company
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tips For Change "Healing the Hidden Self by Controlling You"

life coach, tim thomasWebbers,

I hope everyone is starting the week off well. I am struggling through some personal issues. It is fitting that this weeks topic is an introduction to self control and healing the self.I struggled until I was in my forties with self control. I have challenging days as well. My keys to to keeping control. 1. remember to breathe 2. Focus on what I can control 3. Focus on the positive. When I fail at it I acknowledge it and move on and try to do better. 40 years is a a long time to train that muscle and if I overcome it in less than 40 years I have done alright. I plan to be done before I am 50.

Other than that webbers. I ask you keep a good thoughts for my family as we go through a health challenge. Hopefully we will hear good news tomorrow.

As I focus on business I feel the grip and pull of all the challenges of life - A new house, Health issues, and family concerns. I hope you enjoy this weeks Tips For Change and if I can be of service please, call on me.

Healing the Hidden Self by Controlling You

Healing of the hidden self will better all aspects of our lives, both the professional aspects as well as the personal aspects. Self-control is one of the crucial lessons of self-development and healing the hidden self, since it will lead us to becoming  better people overall. If we are able to show self-control in many situations, we will be able to overcome them and avoid the associated stress. It is crucial that we adapt and grow in life and become individuals that are more self-controlled.

life coach, tim thomasSelf-control is developed through the processes of healing the hidden self. In dealing with receptivity, the need for self-control is of the utmost importance. It is vital that we are all able to control ourselves when faced with situations in life. Receptivity is one of the components that prepare us with the mental attitudes that are needed for the control of our concentration and the control of our will. We are able to exhibit self-control when faced with many problems in life. It works to aid in the directing of our attentions, the withholding of our judgments and many other aspects of our self-control. We learn to accept the things that we cannot change and change the things that are within our power. We learn to act in a controlled manner and change our behavior to suit situations that we face.

We all have to be receptive to change. Life is dynamic and does not remain constant. If we are trapped in the mindset where we cannot adapt to change then we are directed along a path that leads to the loss of self-control. We all have to wake up to the reality that when we show self-control we avoid many problems in life. We are made better overall and are able to handle anything that the world throws at us. We are able to face all the issues that arise in living head on.

life coach, tim thomasThe fact is that we all have our own unique mannerisms that are used in the handling of situations. We are not able to be normal all the time and this is a factor that contributes to the need for self-control. There are times we will let our emotions get the best of us but when this occurs the end result can be worst than the previous situation. It is here that we all see the apparent need for self-control. We need to be able to face our problems head on and logically rather than emotionally. Logic can provide us with the best reaction to the situation. Yet to build logic, we must learn to analyze and continue to heal the hidden self.

When we are stressed and cannot see our way through a problem, it is often because the subliminal mind hinders us from seeing. Once you start to explore this mind, you can control yourself and work easily through the process of healing the hidden self. We can redirect our thoughts to the positive aspects of our lives and fulfill our lives. If we always focus on the stresses in our lives, we will be soon overburdened. In order to progress well we have to open up our minds and hearts and be in control of our emotions and physical reactions. It is quite possible at times to forget about the important things in life and to focus only on the negatives. This is not the best attitude and if we are in control of our thoughts then we will be able to redirect ourselves to action that is more positive.

Want to talk? Need a change in your life click the link to schedule a time. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you get a great value out of it.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.
tim thomas life coach

Tim Thomas
Life / Success Coach
A Life by Design Company
Tel: 603-682-4980

Monday, December 7, 2015

Tips for Change "Gaining Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything"

Hi Webbers,

Oh my what a hectic week I am tired right now I have been non stop on a project since Sunday. I am sipping a beverage and listening to my girls go to sleep. This weeks tip is on how to gain self confidence. I hope you enjoy the read. I struggled with my self confidence in to my twenties. I hope this helps get you there earlier and if its later... well good for you to have the courage to change! Enjoy the read and I will speak to you soon.

Gaining Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything

Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior.

For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is to travel the world, visit different countries or cities, but you don’t have the self confidence to do it. For others, the problem of self confidence is much closer to home - in the office, business meetings, public speaking events or presentations.

Self confidence issues affect most of us at some time, and we can usually find ways of getting around the problem. Avoidance is one tactic we often use – if we can get out of an intimidating situation we’ll make up excuses not to take part. However, there are times when we can’t get out of it, or we really don’t want to. If a lack of self confidence is preventing you from doing trying something new, or from succeeding in your working life, it’s time to do something about it.

The starting point in improving your self confidence is understanding what causes the problem. Low self esteem, not believing in yourself or your ability, feeling inadequate compared to your colleagues or friends or maybe some kind of trauma from your childhood are all contributing factors. By examining the reasons for your low self confidence, you’re halfway there!

Taking positive action to overcome your fears is the next step to help boost your self confidence. A simple way to do this is by taking on small challenges. You have allowed your brain to associate certain events or actions with fear, so you’ve already pre-empted the outcome of these situations. By taking a small step towards conquering this, you’ll find that the result is most likely not as bad as you think – in fact, you’ll probably be surprised about how good you feel and your self confidence will instantly increase.

When you’ve completed your first small challenge, congratulate yourself on achieving your aim. A small reward can often help. You’re already on the right path to improving your self confidence, so you’re ready to take it to the next level. This doesn’t need to be a huge task; you don’t want to undo all the good work. Building up your self confidence takes time, and while you might want to leap ahead, it can be a good idea to take things slowly at first. Steadily increase the risks you’re taking to get your self confidence to where you want to be. Risk taking does not, of course, mean jumping off a bridge, but the perceived risk of something happening as a result of your actions is usually the biggest barrier with self confidence.

Self confidence problems are common for most people, and there are excellent resources to learn to deal with these issues, but if you do have severe difficulty facing certain situations you should seek professional help.
Webbers I really hope you enjoyed this reading and I am already looking forward to next week.

Want to talk? Need a change in your life click the link to schedule a time. It costs you nothing and I guarantee you get a great value out of it.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.
tim thomas life coach

Tim Thomas
Life / Success Coach
A Life by Design Company
Tel: 603-682-4980