Monday, October 20, 2014

Things and stuff

Hey webbers,

I hope all is well. What a fantastic week I had. You ever wonder how some weeks can be so stressful and others go along nice and smooth. Friday we had to take our daughter for an emergency doctor appointment. Scary to hear a child scream and cry when that isn't her normal. I also knew she was in pain. Thankfully Tylenol worked. Any who how do you plan your week. Is it the morning before. Is it the day before.

I tend to plan the day before for the week in example. I plan on Sunday for Monday through Friday. I go over my notes and to do's it makes me feel so much more ready For the day. Then each day I spend ten minutes organizing.

I would be interested in how you plan your schedule?

I am amazed at how much people value things and stuff. Some people value things and stuff over other humans and some treat other humans as things and stuff....

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What kind of changes can you make today. It takes one small change to create a whole new way.

Here are some questions that can create change in your life. How would you answer them? I would love to hear from you and your answers.

Are you getting the most value from your life?

Do you have a life plan?

Do you have a weekly plan?

What kind of plan do you need to create?

What  help or resources do you need?

What is your next step?

What structures would help you remember your to-do actions?

That is it for today webbers. Have fun and live your light.

Remember it is your life live it by design.

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The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral from my friends and clients.

Live Life by Design.

Tim Thomas
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
Manchester, NH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

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