Monday, August 17, 2015

Tips for Change "Set Aside Dedicated Areas for Various Aspects of Your Time"

Hi Webbers,
tim thomas, life coach

It is Monday!!! How are we doing. I am already playing catch up to the week and I worked through the weekend. Can you say BUSY!!! My wife and daughter are on vacation. I am busting a hump. What are you doing this week. I do get to pound some golf balls tomorrow. I play in a charity event - hope I don't break a club!! Should be a blast. However the work still needs to get done. Do you dread taking time off because one way or the other the work still needs to get done. I can guarantee I will not be working hard this Friday.

It is official Webbers I start my ICF accreditation tomorrow. 6 months and I should be there. The final step in my coaching practice. Are you moving forward? If you are not we should talk. I hold free sample sessions all week. It just may change you life.

Lets look at this weeks Tips for Change. Do you set up specific areas to handle things
I do I have little spots to tackle different aspects of my projects from design to concept. I hope this makes sense for you.

Set Aside Dedicated Areas for Various Aspects of Your Time

One way to help yourself manage your time better is to keep things separate. If you have a specific area to accomplish a goal, you’ll be able to get your mind dedicated faster to that one task. It might seem like a pipe dream, but if you really want to be creative, find a space that makes you feel creative and go to it each time you need that extra creative spark. In that way, you become more in charge of how your time is spent.

* A Reading Cubby – You may have had one in elementary school, a little place that you could go for quiet reading time. You can do this at home easily by just setting up a chair in the corner of a living room, bedroom or office that is set up with good light for reading and if necessary the proper electronic components if you want to read by laptop or Kindle.

tim thomas, life coach
* A Mail Checking Station – This works especially for snail mail and is best if it’s close to the trashcan. Get the mail in, and immediately go through it, tossing the trash, and then taking the mail to the computer in order to schedule, process and pay bills.

* Games Only – Some people cannot afford this but it is something that will truly help you manage your time better. Separate your work computer from your fun computer. At the very least create different sign-ons to your computer: one for work, one for games. This way you won’t be tempted to check work when you’re having fun, or play games when you’re supposed to be working.

* TV Time – It’s very different to get work done, or even read a book with the TV blaring. Having technology in the bedroom is also not conducive to a good night’s sleep. Consider having the TV in only one room in the house and only using the TV during limited hours.

* Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner – Eating is a very important part of your day and should be treated as such. If you eat all over your home and office there is no true break or time to digest your food. Take the time to set the table, and eat at the table or breakfast bar in order to differentiate the time spent on eating, versus working, versus play.

* Resting and Sleeping – There is nothing wrong with taking a nap on a rainy Sunday afternoon, but you want to be very careful about sleeping and resting during the work day. Plus, you want to avoid working when you’re supposed to be resting and sleeping. Make your bedroom a peaceful oasis away from the rest and go there when you need a break.

* Being Social – So often, the internet becomes a substitute for true social gatherings and due to this easy access to a social life, it can be all too simple to flow from work to being social accidentally. Like with gaming, set up specific times to be social - whether it’s out of the house, outside of business hours, or on the computer.
tim thomas, life coach
* Exercise – If you don’t have time and space set aside for exercise, it’s unlikely you will ever do it. Set aside the time, and the space, even if you have to go to a new space. If you get to the new space, you’ll automatically reach your exercise goals because your surroundings will inspire you.

Setting up different areas to get various activities done will help you differentiate your time better, be more organized, and get more done than you thought possible. Creating dedicated areas for specific activities is an excellent time management tip that will work for most people.

Webbers I hope you enjoyed this weeks Tips for Change.

Please call on me. I am here for you. Schedule time with me today.

tim thomas life coach

If there is a time other than that listed please send me an email and I will see where I can accommodate you.

I hope this helped you or you pass it along. Especially if you know someone who needs to make some changes in their life! I am here 2-help-u with your success. I want to be your coach! After all it is your life, live it by your design.


The finest compliment I could ever receive is a referral.

PS - I am curious how many people read my blog. I am giving away a special gift to everyone that reads my blog. All you have to do is send an email to and say you read my blog in the subject line. Out of those I will select one recipient at random for a special gift. Curious? 

tim thomas life coachTim Thomas
Life Coach
A Life by Design Company
PO Box 4327
ManchesterNH 03108
Tel: 603-682-4980

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